Tuesday, December 22, 2009


So im home on Xmas break and I decided to start blogging. This year has been a year of random-ocity(lol) but seriously this year has been that start and end of friendships, the beginnin and ending of lives and just overall....LIFE. I can honestly say that I have been BLESSED to be surrounded by positive, beautiful people, because when you surround yourself with those two combinations, your outcomes will be beautiful, positive and blessed. I am the HEAD and NOT the tail, i am a LEADER not a follower and I know that GOD has something great in store for me and those I love. I am a tru believer in the concept that EVERYTHING happens for a reason, and it is not in anyones place to question that, so just roll with the punches. Ummm lets see...what else is on my mind.....hmmm, OK i got it....time for a lil venting. I am so over people who always have something to say about everyone else and their issues, but yet their life is just as messed up as the people they feel the need to critique....PLEASE make sure that u have yourr life in order before u start to talk about or even look down on those who have their own problems.

Tis the season for dudes to be random. Here is a lil pointer for some of the fellas out there....and if ur a female doin some of the same things then this is for you too. THINK and I do mean really THINK about some of the things you say and do before you do them. If your significant other comes across a text/myspace/ fb comment that u have directed towards someone callin them sexy, beautiful or sayin im tryna bun.....WTH, pull it together. Im just sayin that the internet/phone tells all. If u wanna comtinue doin you without gettin caught, cover ur tracks....or if u aint smart enough to do that...then maybe u shouldnt even try to creep.

Anyways, that was my random-ocity for today.

Everyone please continue to be Blessed and remember [Live.Laugh.LOVE]


  1. Haha i love you jasmine your very inspirational and all of what you said is true keep them coming imma be a daily reader lol :)

  2. lmbo thanx. I was tryna figure out who this was...so I had to internet stalk u real quick lol. I wonder what tomorrow has in store?!?! lol
